Air Opus Camper

Here at OPUS we are proud of our invention, proud of our innovation, proud of our development and proud of our continued improvement. OPUS is part of Purple Line. The Purple Line slogan helps you understand exactly what we do here at OPUS. Design… Innovate… Improve. Purple Line have been designing, innovating and improving within the RV accessory market for many years and we are now going to share with you just how that ethos helped in the creation of OPUS.
It all started with a conversation between colleagues over a morning coffee in the Purple Line office in picturesque rural Suffolk, UK. Jonathan Schofield (Sales Director) and Stuart Barrow (Product Design Manager) stumbled upon a stark realization; the issue with making the best accessories in the RV market is that it doesn't matter how good they are, people without an RV don't need them.
So in the UK (a country with 60 million people and roughly 30 million cars) we were designing, innovating and improving for only 500,000 people; RV'ers . That is less than 1% of the population and thanks to the eloquent and opinionated Jeremy Clarkson that number is not on the rise.
And that was the topic of conversation that morning for Jonathan and Stuart.
They decided that they needed a product, a new invention they could offer to anyone with a car, not just an RV. The UK is a nation who love cars. Whether you drive Mini Cooper, A Morris Minor or a Ford Fiesta the chances are you love your car; after all, you chose it and similarly RV owners love their RV's! These similarities led to a decision to move away from the standard RV, they thought that a car was in many ways like an RV but more appropriate to a generation that regarded them as not cool.
So once that decision had been made, the time to design and innovate was upon them.
The Opus was a huge success immediately. At it's first exhibition it was a winning product on the UK 'The Apprentice' hit BBC TV show, going on to star on other TV show's such as 'The Gadget Show' and the UK version of 'Shark Tank' (known in the UK as Dragons Den). With fame like this the Opus quickly became one of the biggest selling folding campers in the UK.
And that, my friends, was the conception of OPUS.