The chill of fall here in Philadelphia is for now only a sweet mental reprieve from the sweltering heat that comes with summer. Just because it’s hot doesn’t mean you should avoid the outdoors! There are tons of tourist attractions just calling for you and your family or friends to come see aboard a motorhome! Here are some cool tips to keep you moving through the hot weather.
On your feet
Most sight seeing goes hand in hand with walking. If there is something to see, you’ve got to feel it out and explore for yourself. Doing this in the summer is tough but it’s the best time for everyone in the family. So what are you to do? Bring water! Yes, keeping hydrated will be beneficial to making sure you can finish that historic hike or survive the theme park and get back to your vehicle. Beware of soda and juice; while they feel refreshing, they are doing you no favors.The best way to fuel your system is water. Feel free to keep it fun by adding Crystal Light or Mio. They come sugar free and come in a wide array of flavors sure to be enjoyed by everyone in your group! Water is usually convenient due to water fountains being in most public places. When water isn’t enough, try dipping a small towel or handkerchief in water and putting it in the freezer. Sure, it will be cold at first, but place it around your neck as you head out. This will keep your system cool for the longer times on your feet.
On the road
When most think of letting the wind run through their hair, they envision a convertible with the top down. Don’t let this imagery deceive you, the same can be said for traveling in a motorhome! Riding with your windows down does not clash with the aerodynamics of the vehicle, as many believe, or cause you to go through gas quicker. The same goes for using the air conditioner, as it does not severely impact fuel usage. To use it to the best of its ability, wait until the needle on the temperature gauge is in the middle because you do not want to push your engine to overheat. But sometimes, every little bit counts and using a little natural air could be helpful.
How do you beat the heat when RVing aboard your Philadelphia RV? Share your tips with us on Facebook or Twitter!