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Why Go RVing?

7 Reasons to own an RV

  1. I'm FREE. RV owners often describe their RV adventures as free as a bird. Whether they are visiting friends and family or touring the countryside they have the freedom to go where they want, when they want, for as long as they want.

  2. Economy. Can you put a price tag on happiness? Apparently you can...and its affordable. RVing remains the most economical way to vacation. PKF Consulting, an independent consulting group analyzed various family vacations and compared it to RVing and flying to the same destination. For example, a family of four flying from Phoenix, AZ to Napa, CA and staying in a hotel would save 37%, traveling by Class C motorhome, to 52% traveling with a pop-up camper. It was also determined that fuel prices would have to more than double for a typical motorhome vacation to cost more than flying and staying in a hotel.

  3. Pass the torch. Fretz RV has been servicing our customer's needs since 1946. We now have 3rd generation customers buying RVs at Fretz RV! A study showed that parents who took RV vacations as children are more likely to want to recreate that experience for their own children because of the life-long memories created on the open road with their family. The RV lifestyle builds priceless memories and instills values that are passed from generation to generation. KIDS LOVE CAMPING!

  4. Who's been sleeping in YOUR bed? In very simple terms, with your RV you know exactly who has slept in your bed last. Can you say the same for hotels and motels? The next time you stay in a hotel, bring along your CSI lab kit and collect a DNA sample from your hotel room...YUCK!

  5. Have pet, will travel. Why leave your furry family members behind or put them in kennels when you can take them along for the ride. Most campgrounds are pet friendly. And much like kids, PETS LOVE CAMPING too.

  6. Are we there yet? I recently took a family vacation (RV of course) to Florida. I have three kids and rarely do I get out of our neighborhood before the question of "Are we there yet?" is echoed throughout the car. Now, combine that with the "I need a drink", "I'm hungry", "I need to use the bathroom", and you have all the ingredients needed to make a long trip longer. Needless to say I was VERY concerned with how such a long trip would go. To my astonishment I did not hear ONE TIME any questions I normally would have, but then again, why should I. While traveling in a motorhome, the kids can play games at the table, watch a movie, get a drink, go to the bathroom, or have a snack right in the comfort of their own "home". It didn't take long to convince me that RVing is the only way to travel.

  7. Take off my what? Anyone who has flown recently will tell you the airport is no joy ride anymore. Removing your shoes and jackets, the plastic bags, and too large of a tube of toothpaste are just a few things that can make for a bad day at airport security. With all the delays, safety checks, and searches, your airport experience is likely to be less than desirable. Just one more reason to own an RV!